Atlas correction:
what we do best
You have probably found us after a painful journey, marked by the failures and disappointments of previous treatments, having seen for yourself how these were unable to produce lasting results.
Atlas Vertebra:
the hidden cause of many disorders
Find out how JUST 2 SESSIONS of Atlas realignment with vibro-resonance can alleviate or resolve headaches, migraines, dizziness, neck pain, back pain and many other ailments.
A localised malfunction in this area can trigger a chain reaction with repercussions on the entire musculoskeletal system, the circulatory system and the nervous system, as well as creating malfunctions throughout the body.
If this misalignment is not corrected as soon as possible, serious health problems can develop over time. Quality of life can be severely compromised.
If you continue reading this site you will understand why the first cervical vertebra may be responsible for a long list of apparently unrelated symptoms, for which the usual practice is to limit oneself to fighting only the pain, without ever managing to eliminate the real cause.
7 facts to know about Atlas misalignment
What symptoms cause misalignment of the Atlas?
Interestingly, many people, initially hopeful that the treatment will resolve a particular disorder, are then surprised to find that even symptoms apparently unrelated to the Atlas disappear spontaneously. We deliberately leave out disorders related to the psychic sphere, although the effect of the treatment can also extend to this area.
It is important to realise that the disorders listed may also have causes other than the blockage of the Atlas.
We want to be transparent: the Atlas treatment may not generate significant changes for some people, while for many others it may lead to a radical change in their state of health, as the many shared experiences testify. The outcome depends on the extent of the Atlas misalignment and its negative impact on the entire system. The effect of the treatment cannot be definitively anticipated.
Some of the disorders related to Atlas misalignment:
- headaches - tension headache - migraine - visual disturbances
- dizziness - light-headedness - dizziness
- sudden fainting - vasovagal syncope - vagal disturbances
- ringing or buzzing in the ears - tinnitus / tinnitus
- trigeminal neuralgia - Ménière's syndrome
- cranio-mandibular dysfunction - malocclusion
- jaw pain - jaw cracking
- chronic sinusitis - allergic rhinitis - asthma (several possible causes)
- limited or painful rotation or flexion of the head
- neck pain - cervicalgia - torticollis
- chronic pain after a cervical whiplash injury
- shoulder pain - one shoulder higher than the other
- tingling in the limbs - paraesthesia - chronic tendonitis
- tennis elbow - carpal tunnel syndrome
- muscle tension - chronic muscle pain
- back pain - back pain - functional scoliosis
- lower back pain - lumbago - witch's blow
- herniated disc - discopathy - disc protrusion
- crooked pelvis - asymmetry of the pelvis - different leg lengths
- sciatica - sciatica - lumbosciatica
- hip or knee pain - hallux valgus
- chronically cold hands and feet
- tachycardia - hypertension - low blood pressure
- gastrointestinal complaints - acidity of the stomach
- gastroesophageal reflux - stomach ulcer
- chronic diarrhoea - constipation - irritable bowel syndrome
- depression (if resulting from chronic pain)
- insomnia - difficulty falling asleep
- lack of or difficulty in concentrating
- chronic fatigue (see metabolic acidosis and mercury)
- learning difficulties - dyslexia - epilepsy
Would you rather have a body that obeys and functions properly, or are you settling for one that commands and constantly creates problems for you? If you want the first scenario, then deepening your knowledge by reading the whole site could be your salvation. Your body will thank you.
Living with a displaced Atlas, thinking you can avoid discomfort, is like deluding yourself that you can drive without consequences with a flat tyre.
Frequently asked questions FAQs
The Atlas vertebra can become misaligned by rotating, moving laterally or locking in a position too far anterior or posterior with respect to its physiological position in relation to the skull. This misalignment can affect the second cervical vertebra called the Epistropheus and trigger a chain reaction that negatively impacts the entire musculoskeletal system. The maximum rotation of the first vertebra, measured radiologically, corresponds to 8 degrees.
Misalignment of the Atlas cannot be equated with a simple cervical muscle contracture or joint blockage, as understood in osteopathy, and cannot be corrected by trivial manipulation or a simple massage.
Prevention is the best cure
Realignment is recommended from an early age and allows the body to reach its full potential, preventing the onset of pain.
In order to make things easier for families and to prevent pain, during the second parent session, in the Atlantomed Centres we offer the possibility of correcting a child up to the age of 8 free of charge.
You don't have a spare body, so take care of it.
It is undeniable that an aligned body functions better than an unbalanced one. Therefore, anyone with a modicum of consideration and self-respect would not want to live with a malfunctioning body that limits a fully enjoyable life.
Faced with this, who would want to continue spending time and money on medical and pharmacological treatments, with their side effects, if there is now a radical way to avoid this?
These same individuals at the same time may be questioning the causes of their chronic ailments but continue to follow medical prescriptions without questioning them, even if so far they have not led to significant improvements or even worsened their condition.
The key question is to understand why only a small minority recognise the importance of consulting a specialised centre such as Atlantomed for an Atlas misalignment check, a simple and, moreover, cost-free process that takes only a few minutes.
Now that you are aware of this opportunity, don't let it pass you by. It is a more unique than rare chance to be able to easily address and solve several ailments in one go.
It's Time to Stop Using Painkillers and Anti-Inflammatories
Imagine being paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair: would you like to live in a constant state of emergency and pain just because the caregiver you depend on doesn’t take proper care of you? The worst nightmare for a paralyzed person would be to have a caregiver like Annie from the movie *"Misery"*. Yet, that is exactly what you inflict on your body when YOU, as its custodian and caregiver, fail to meet its needs properly.
What would you think of your caregiver if they kept giving you sleeping pills to keep you quiet—just as YOU do to your body, filling it with painkillers when it sends you messages of pain, instead of listening to it and addressing its needs?
If sleeping pills keep you in a state of semi-consciousness all the time, you might not notice anything and certainly wouldn’t cause trouble. But do you really believe this is an acceptable long-term solution? Pain and symptoms are simply alarm bells, the way your body signals to the homeowner—meaning you—that something is wrong. AND YET, many treat their bodies as if they were negligent caregivers, silencing distress signals with sedatives. Unfortunately, suppressing a symptom doesn’t solve the problem, as it will either return or manifest elsewhere in another form.
Most of us only realize this when it’s too late and the damage has become irreparable. At that point, we turn to one specialist or another, feeling outraged when they fail to fix the problem—instead of acknowledging our own responsibility and negligence in ignoring the body’s needs and the signals it sent for so long.
What people say about us
The only ones with 10,000 testimonials and reviews in several languages! Click to access the related platforms and read many opinions, feedbacks, experiences and testimonials after the Atlantomed vibro-resonance Atlas correction. Be wary of imitations.